Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday, Dec 7 - Day Seven

We're home, but I thought I would update you on our last days of the trip. Most of the last day was spent lounging around the pool. We considered riding bikes in the afternoon but decided we just wanted to soak up our last moments of sun while we still had them. On our way to the pool, we saw these iguanas. They are very friendly.

After lunch we went on a little nature photo shoot on our way to the other side of the resort. Cancun has some absolutely beautiful flowers and nature as you can see!
That evening we went back to our favorite Italian restaurant, La Trattoria, for dinner. We headed back to the resort and took our final walk along the beach to the other side of the resort. They had a Michael Jackson impersonator there, and he was actually really good! Here we are at the concert.
We woke up ready to go on Tuesday morning. After a long day of traveling, we headed home in the snowy weather. As much as we miss waking up to 80 degrees and sunny, we will certainly miss the Mexican people the most. Everyone was so friendly there. We will also really miss the food and relaxation, but there really is no place like home. We spent most of our day hugging our little Natalie and setting up for Christmas. Central Illinois certainly has a beautiful holiday charm to it as well.


  1. looks like you guys had an amazing trip!! Thanks for sharing pictures & making me jealous! ;)

  2. I'll bet your little girl was very excited to see her mom and dad!
